
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

CPR Training Benefits

Each of us is aware that CPR saves lives, which is why more and more people enroll in CPR courses each year. Most people however are not aware that of cardiac arrest victims, 92% fail to survive. This is simply because the time frame the victim has before their brain becomes damaged or the tissue dies, and that time frame is less than eight minutes- which could be the time that it takes for the emergency team to show up. When the victim receives CPR while waiting for the emergency response team, that victim has the window of opportunity they need for survival.

Benefits of Studying CPR

The benefits of studying CPR are many. CPR is a personal and social responsibility and something that no person, as a responsible citizen, friend and parent should not receive training in. Accidents are sudden and most of us are unprepared. In fact, the American Heart Association states that and when more people begin to take CPR classes, the survival rate could double or even triple. Cardiac arrest can happen at any age, and each person, when trained in CPR, has the capability to save a life.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency course of action and one that offers hope to victims. There is no place that you cannot use CPR. Emergencies happen everywhere, in the home, at school, in the workplace at the bus stop and on and on. Benefits of studying CPR include the following:

Career: Many careers, especially those in the health care field or ones that you are in charge of a great number of people, require CPR training. A few jobs that require CPR certification lab technicians and personnel, paramedics, doctors, firefighters, day care staff, flight attendants, school teachers lifeguards, babysitters, sports coach, prison staff, and nurses. Even if you are applying for a job that does not require CPR and include your CPR training on your resume, employers often see the individual as someone that stands out with a true sense of responsibility.

Other benefits of studying CPR include a self confidence that you have the skills to save a life and can save a life should the need arise. When individuals take a CPR course, they learn theory and practical methods so that they understand emergency situations and know how to identify them and act. With proper training, there is no hesitation as you are aware what to do and confident that you can apply CPR without fear.

More benefits of studying CPR include workplace safety and an asset to the family. When it comes to loved ones, there are few measures we won’t take to ensure their safety. CPR is one measure that we can take. Studies show that 88% of cardiac arrest emergencies occur at home. This is just one example of how knowing CPR and how to apply CPR can save the life of a loved one. There are many other situations that an emergency can occur in a family, especially with young children. The family camp-out is one prime example, or the day at the lake. Emergencies happen everywhere and adults, as well as, children must be prepared.

Benefits of studying CPR for parents with infants are innumerable. The number one cause of death among infants is choking. CPR classes educate students of choking relief, as well, which just might save your baby’s life.

CPR courses are offered as basic courses and advanced course. Certainly the advanced course is the more favorable course, however, both are effective and as a responsible citizen, friend and parent you should not pass up the opportunity to enroll in a CPR course, whether it basic CPR or advanced. The more individuals educate themselves with CPR training, the more lives that will be saved.

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